The Warrior’s Journey: My Experience at the Enlightened Warrior Training Camp

The Enlightened Warrior Training Camp at Berjaya Hills Golf & Country Club in Malaysia was not just a training camp—it was a life-changing experience that transformed me from within. It wasn't merely about physical endurance or mental resilience; it was about confronting the deepest parts of myself, fighting my demons, and understanding why I choose to be a warrior in every aspect of my life.

The Grand Finale: The Predicament

The camp's culmination came in the form of a challenging experience known as "The Predicament." This was not just a physical challenge; it was a test of heart, mind, and spirit. As we entered this final phase, a series of crucial questions echoed in our minds:

- Who are we fighting for?

- Are we willing to pay the price?

- How do we deal with our demons?

These questions haunted each of us, pushing us to dig deep into our souls. Aaron Huey led the charge, alongside Grand Master Michael Liew and his team of dedicated fighters, each one pushing us to our absolute limits. The moment was intense, raw, and unlike anything I had ever experienced.

Broken Down to Build Back Up

To be completely honest, during this finale, I was broken down to my core. I found myself face-to-face with my own vulnerabilities, struggling with the realization of why I fight so fiercely for my family. I learned that my battle is not just about success or accolades; it’s about giving my family the love, support, and time they deserve. I realized that as much as I fight for my goals, I must also play my role as a present and loving father and husband.

But with this realization came another truth—I must continually confront the demons that threaten to pull me away from my loved ones. These demons come in many forms: doubt, fear, work, distractions. And to truly be the man I want to be for my family, I have to fight them off, over and over again.

The Moment of Truth

As I stood there, giving everything I had, my body was in severe pain. My muscles screamed in agony, and my voice gave out as I yelled at the demons that had haunted me for so long. I faced my fears head-on, refusing to let them overpower me.

The question loomed: Did I pass the test?

In that moment, despite the physical and emotional toll, the answer was clear. Yes, I passed. I conquered not just the physical challenges but also the emotional ones. In recognition of my spirit, I earned the green belt, signed by all the Masters, a symbol of my unwavering warrior spirit and my determination to fight for what truly matters.

Gratitude and Acknowledgment

I want to extend my deepest gratitude to Sifu Aaron Huey for his powerful guidance and to Grand Master Michael Liew for his wisdom and unwavering support. Thank you to all the Masters who pushed me beyond my limits and who believed in me when I was ready to give up.

You’ve made me a better man. You’ve taught me the true essence of being a warrior—not just in battle, but in life itself. This experience has left a lasting impact on my heart, and I honor each one of you for the lessons you've imparted.

The Journey Forward

The Enlightened Warrior Training Camp was more than just an event; it was a revelation. It was a journey into the depths of my soul, showing me what I’m truly capable of when I align my mind, body, and spirit. I leave this camp not just as a man who has earned a belt, but as a warrior committed to living a life of purpose, love, and unwavering resolve.

As I continue my journey, I will carry these lessons with me, constantly reminding myself of what I learned at Berjaya Hills. I will fight for my family, give them my time, and always remain vigilant against the demons that try to derail me from my purpose.

I am forever grateful for this transformative experience. I am a warrior, not because I win every battle, but because I refuse to give up, no matter how many times I fall.

To all the Masters and to everyone who stood by my side—thank you. I honor you all.


The Enlightened Warrior Training Camp has ignited a new fire within me. It has shaped me into a better person, a more dedicated father, a more loving husband, and, most importantly, a true warrior who fights for his beliefs with every breath. I look forward to continuing this journey, stronger and more focused than ever before.