Joseph E Payne Net Worth And Insider Trading Details by Dr Clemen Chiang
Joseph E Payne Net Worth And Insider Trading Details

Joseph E Payne Net Worth And Insider Trading Details

Get details on Joseph E Payne of Arcturus Therapeutics. Explore Joseph E Payne's Net Worth and insider details in detail below.

Dr. Clemen Chiang
Dr. Clemen Chiang

As of 2022-12-22, Joseph E. Payne is thought to have a net worth of around $28 million USD. The stock of Arcturus Therapeutics Holdings Inc (ARCT), of which Joseph E Payne is the President and CEO, is valued at around 1,480,097 shares, or over $28 million. In addition to serving as the company's director, Joseph E. Payne is the owner of around $288,002 value of Vallon Pharmaceuticals Inc. (VLON) stock, or roughly 861,250 shares. The Latest Holdings Summary part of Joseph E. Payne contains more information on Race to 100 page.

Mr. Payne insider trading ARCT stock SEC Form 4

Based on the Form 4 submitted to the SEC, Joseph has traded Arcturus Therapeutics Inc. shares more than three times since 2019. On November 23, 2022, he very recently purchased 5,000 shares of ARCT stock for $82,550.

His largest transaction to date was the purchase of 5,000 shares of Arcturus Therapeutics Inc. shares on November 23, 2022, for a total cost of more than $82,550. Since 2019, Joseph has traded 1,375 units every 148 days on average. He continued to have at least 1,480,097 shares of Arcturus Therapeutics Inc stock as at November 23, 2022.

Joseph Payne's Biography

The Company's President, Chief Executive Officer, and Director is Joseph E. Payne. He has a proven track record of introducing cutting-edge therapies, such as targeted RNA drugs that use lipid-mediated delivery methods, to the clinic.

Over 40 articles were published, patents, as well as many investigational new drug (IND) clinical candidates attest to Mr. Payne's background, which spans over 20 years of productive drug discovery expertise at Merck Research Labs, DuPont Pharmaceuticals, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Kalypsys, as well as Nitto Denko Corporation. He has a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry with a magna cum laude at Brigham Young University, a Master of Science in Synthetic Organic Chemistry from the University of Calgary, and an Executive Training Certification by the MIT Sloan School of Management.

Because of his role as the president and chief executive officer and his extensive knowledge of the pharmaceutical industry, Mr. Payne is a candidate for renewal to the board. Mr. Payne is a member of the executive team and plays a crucial role in bridging the gap between administration and the board so that the board may carry out its oversight duties with the advantages of management's insight into the company.

How much money does Joseph Payne make?

Joseph Payne receives $1,165,820 in total pay from Arcturus Therapeutics Inc. as President, Chief Executive Officer, and Director. At Arcturus Therapeutics Inc, there are 1 executives who are paid higher, with Andrew Sassine receiving the highest salary of $1,326,880.

What prior insider trading did Joseph Payne engage in?

On November 28, 2022, Joseph Payne placed his highest buy order for 5,000 units, totaling more than $82.55K. Over the course of their three years with Arcturus Therapeutics Holdings Inc., Joseph Payne has completed roughly 8 transactions in total. Joseph Payne often transacts business in December, February, and June, with the years 2020 and 2022 being the busiest.

What were the previous insider trades made by Arcturus Therapeutics Holdings Inc.?

The most current insider transaction involving Arcturus Therapeutics Holdings Inc. occurred on December 19, 2022, when Magda Marquet purchased 2,222 units for $40K. Insiders at Arcturus Therapeutics Holdings Inc have made an investment estimated to be worth $131.44 million and purchased shares estimated to be worth $10.39 million over the last three years. Insider trading is most prevalent in June, with 2020 being the biggest year. The company's chief scientific executive and chief operating officer, Pad Chivukula, chief financial officer Andy Sassine, and president and CEO Joseph Payne are among the most engaged traders.

What is Joseph Payne's age?

Since 2013, 48-year-old Joseph Payne has served as President, Chief Executive Officer, and Director of Arcturus Therapeutics Inc. At Arcturus Therapeutics Inc., there seem to be 9 senior executives and 3 junior executives. Edward Holmes, the Individual Who is in charge at Arcturus Therapeutics Holdings Inc., is the company's oldest executive at 79 years old.

Trading by insiders at Arcturus Therapeutics, Inc.

Insiders at Arcturus Therapeutics Inc reportedly purchased 56,234 units worth $767,374 and sold over $130,681,400 value of the company's stock even over past 11 years. William M. Kahane, Nicholas S. Schorsch, and Peter C. Farrell are the top insider traders. Executives and controlling shareholders of Arcturus Therapeutics Inc trade stock on about each 42 days at a price of $1,449,503. On December 15, 2022, Magda Marquet made the most recently available transaction, exchanging 2,222 units of ARCT stock with a market value of $39,996.

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