What Is The Role of Eun Nam At Fortress Transportation And Infrastructure Investors?
Check out Eun Nam's net worth, biography, holdings, and other details at Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure in this article.
In charge of accounting at Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors is Eun Nam.
As of 2022-12-19, Eun Nam's estimated net worth was at least $42,725 USD. A little over 2,500 shares of FTAI Aviation Ltd (FTAI) stock valued approximately $42,725 are owned by Eun Nam, the company's chief accounting officer. Eun Nam's Recent Holdings Summary section contains further information.
Latest Holding of Eun Nam
Currently, Eun Nam holds 1 stock in total. As of July 31, 2020, Eun Nam owned 2,500 shares of FTAI Aviation Ltd (FTAI) worth $42,725 each.
What is the work of Fortress Infrastructure and Transportation Investors?
In Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, plus South America, Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC develops and purchases transportation infrastructure and associated machinery. Aviation Leasing, Jefferson Terminal, and Ports and Terminals are its three operating segments. Aircraft and aircraft engines are leased through the Aviation Leasing industry. This section owned and operated 264 aviation assets since about December 31, 2020, comprising 78 commercial aircraft and 186 engines. The Beaumont, Texas, multi-modal crude oil and refined product handling terminal is being developed by the Jefferson Terminal segment, which also owns several other assets for the production and transportation of crude oil and similar items.
Repauno, a 1,630-acre deep-water seaport on the Delaware River, and Long Ridge, a 1,660-acre multi-modal terminal on the Ohio River, are both operated by the Ports and Terminals sector. Additionally, the business owns and rents shipping containers and offshore energy machinery. Airlines, offshore energy network operators, energy providers, and shipping lines are among the networks' operators that it supports. FIG LLC, a subsidiary of Fortress Investment Group LLC, is responsible for the external management of the corporation. With its corporate office in New York, New York, Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC was established in 2011.
Executives and stockholders of Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors
Executives of Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors and other stockholders have filed the following with the SEC:
- Scott Christopher, Chief Financial Officer
- Eun Nam, Chief Accounting Officer
- Kevin P. Krieger, Sec.
- Alan John Andreini, Investor Relations
- Joseph P. Adams Jr., Chairman & CEO
What is Ms. Nam's Salary?
Ms. Nam receives a total remuneration package of $663,868 from Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors as the company's chief finance manager. Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors has 1 executive who receives higher salaries, with Scott Christopher receiving the highest pay of $908,868.
What is Ms. Nam's Age?
Ms. Nam, who is 39 years old, has worked as Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors' chief accounting officer since. At Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors, there are 3 elder executives and no youthful managers. Alan John Andreini, the Investor Relations manager at Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC, is the company's oldest executive at 74 years old.
What Insider Trading Did Eun Nam Do In The Past?
On August 3, 2020, Eun Nam placed her greatest buy order for 2,500 units, totaling more than $37.77K. Eun Nam has recently completed about 1 deal at Fortress Transportation & Infrastructure Investors Llc. Normally, Eun Nam trades in August, with 2020 being the strongest year.
What Prior Insider Trades Did Fortress Transportation & Infrastructure Investors Llc Make?
The most notable insider transaction involving Fortress Transportation & Infrastructure Investors Llc occurred on November 10, 2022, when Joseph P. Adams Jr. purchased 162,616 shares for $450K. Insiders at Fortress Transportation & Infrastructure Investors Llc have sold shares estimated to be worth $6.51M and purchased shares expected to cost $67.51M over the past seven years.
Insider trading is still most prevalent between January and March, with 2021 through 2020 being the busiest years. The company's directors Martin Tuchman, Paul Goodwin, and CEO and Chairman Joseph P. Adams Jr. are the most prominent traders.
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