Launch of an Educational Platform to become a Certified Stock Trader (
This is a really exciting time for the Spiking Team. We have launched this October 2017 an Educational Platform aimed to teach how to find…

This is a really exciting time for the Spiking Team. We have launched this October 2017 an Educational Platform aimed to teach how to find and invest in the best-performing stocks.
Spiking EDU is a 12-month Training Program aimed to teach how to increase one’s expertise to become an expert trader and at the same time help people make money in the stock market.
Every month students will access to new course modules and be able to assess their knowledge to reach the status of Certified Stock Trader.
This program will also provide Weekly Market Update, Monthly Live Event and proven methodologies to analyse trends, spot opportunities and the most importantly: Trade!
C.ST’s mission is to help students build their confidence in the game of stock investing, improve their real-money portfolio and ramp up their trading skills by competing with others for the award challenge:
#1 100-bagger Award,10,000% profit return
#2 10-bagger Award,1,000% profit return
#3 Bullseye Award, 100% profit return
Learn more: