Investing in Aly Pte. Ltd.; The operator of social trading application “Spiking”

As featured on ZUU

資産運用に関する総合プラットフォームを運営する株式会社ZUU(本社:東京都目黒区、代表取締役社長兼CEO:冨田和成、以下「当社」)は、2016年7月25日に子会社ZUU Singapore Pte. Ltd.を通じて、シンガポールに本社を構えるソーシャルトレーディングアプリ”Spiking”の運営会社、Aly Pte. Ltd.に出資を行いましたことをお知らせします。

同社は”Spiking”を通じて、8,000人を超える”Sophisticated Investor”(多額の株式投資を行う著名投資家)のシンガポール株式における投資動向情報を、タイムリーに一般個人投資家に公開するサービスを提供しています。



 加えて、今後は、当社の技術やネットワーク、ZUU onlineを3年弱で月間300万人の来訪者に育てたノウハウ等を、Aly Pte. Ltd.ともシェアし、同社の更なる成長につなげて参ります。

<Aly Pte. Ltd.について>

 会社名:Aly Pte. Ltd.


 CEO:Clemen Chiang





 資産運用の専門家と資産家の間にある情報の非対称性の解決を目指し、月間ユーザーが250万人を超える日本最大級の金融・経済メディア「ZUU online」をはじめ、特定株の株価に影響する情報のみを独自のアルゴリズムで提供する資産運用ツール「ZUU Signals」等を運営しています。また、金融機関のFinTech化を展開する「FinTech推進支援室」によるコンサルティングサービスを提供しています。

 会社名:株式会社ZUU(英語表記:ZUU Co.,Ltd.)

 所在地:東京都目黒区青葉台3–6–28 住友不動産青葉台タワー9F

 代表者:代表取締役社長兼CEO 冨田 和成

 設立 :2013年4月2日

 事業内容:投資家向け投資支援ソリューション「ZUU Signals」

 金融経済メディア「ZUU online」「FinTech online」「DAILY ANDS」等

 資産アドバイザーマッチングプラットフォーム「ZUU Advisors」

 金融専門家向け支援プラットフォーム「ZUU Advisors Support」








Investing in Aly Pte. Ltd.; The operator of social trading application “Spiking”

~Aiming to expand FinTech business in Asia~

ZUU Co., Ltd, which operates a comprehensive platform related to asset management (Headquarters: Meguro-ku, Tokyo, President and CEO: Kazumasa Tomita), would like to announce that through subsidiary ZUU Singapore Pte Ltd, has decided to make an equity investment in Aly Pte. Ltd, an operating company of the social trading application “Spiking” located in Singapore on July 25th, 2016.

Through “Spiking,” Aly Pte. Ltd. offers a service that exposes the investment trend information of over 8000 “Sophisticated Investors” (well-known investor performing a large amount of equity investment) in Singapore to general individual investors in a timely manner.

In addition, by partnering with all 9 security companies in Singapore, you can complete all the procedures related to security trading from opening an account to trading, and even management.

By sending out automatic information such as “The so-and-so famous investor has invested in so-and-so stocks,” “Such-and-such management from the listed companies has bought/sold such-and-such treasury shares,” we can increase the interest of investing towards the same investors, and in the case of making an actual investment, you can complete the stock trading smoothly within the same app. In the future, Aly Pte. Ltd. plans to offer a similar service in Hong Kong, Australia, India, and the United States.

Through this investment, ZUU has been given the chance to get deeply involved in the financial network of ASEAN countries focusing on Singapore, which allows us to further accelerate the development of FinTech business in Asia.

In addition, we would like to use and share our technology and network with Aly Pte Ltd, along with the business know-how which has allowed us to gain 3 million monthly visitors to ZUU online in 3 years further expanding our company growth.

<About Aly Pte. Ltd.>

Company name: Aly Pte. Ltd.

Headquarters: Singapore

CEO: Clemen Chiang

Establishment: June 2012

Name of service: Spiking


<About ZUU Co. Ltd.>

Aiming to solve the information asymmetry that exists between the expert of asset management and wealthy individuals, including the operation of Japan’s largest financial and economic media “ZUU online” along with the asset management tool “ZUU Signals” which provides only the information that affects the stock price of a particular stock within our own algorithm. We also offer consulting services through the “FinTech Promotion Support Office” to expand our FinTech style to financial institutions.

Company name: ZUU Co., Ltd.

Location: 9th Floor, Sumitomo Fudousan Aobadai Tower 3–6–28 Aobadai Meguro-ku Tokyo Japan 153–0042

CEO/President: Kazumasa Tomita

Established: April 4th 2013

Business: Investment support solutions for investors “ZUU Signals”

Financial and economic media “ZUU Online” “DAILY ANDS”

Assets advising matching platform “ZUU Advisors”

Support platform for financial experts “ZUU Advisors Support”

Assets/Real estate WEB marketing synthesis support service



Company name: ZUU Co. Ltd.

Person in charge: Gondo

TEL: +81–3–4405–908
