Case Study: Lian Beng Group
When investing in the stock market, there’s a lot of putting two and two together and connecting the dots — but first, one must spot the…

When investing in the stock market, there’s a lot of putting two and two together and connecting the dots — but first, one must spot the dots. Spiking helps investors to spot opportunities in the market, to help them make better informed portfolio-building decisions.
Take the case of the Lian Beng Group — the Spiking app notes that two sophisticated investors (who happen to belong to the Group’s top brass) have just increased their deemed shares in the company:
Spiking also points out that Ong Sek Chong & Sons likewise bought 329,200 direct shares at the same time.
Not coincidentally, a lot of groundbreaking news was published about a week earlier about Lian Beng:
- The Business Times, Deal Street Asia and the Motley Fool have only just reported around end November and the beginning of December, that Lian Beng was acquiring an office building in Melbourne to the tune of AUD51.5 million.
- Motley Fool also reported that the Group was buying strata lots in the Khong Guan Industrial Building in Singapore for SGD31 million.
- The Business Times also reported in November that the Epic Land consortium was looking to dispose of the entire paid-up share capital of certain wholly-owned subsidiaries that are holding 17 strata office units in Prudential Tower — Lian Beng has subsidiaries belonging to that consortium, and has 32% shareholdings of Epic Land.
As Epic Land looked to dispose of that capital, The Business Times named Lian Beng as a stock to watch:
We’re inclined to agree, taking into consideration other bits of news involving Lian Beng in the preceding months. Reuters reported in July, for instance, on the Group’s subsidiaries proposing to acquire properties for SGD151 million.
The Lian Beng Group is an investment holding company engaged in the construction of residential, industrial and commercial projects, as well as civil engineering projects as a main contractor. Lian Beng operates in Construction, Property Development, Manufacturing and Investment Holding segments. The Group’s recent developments include incorporating subsidiary, Wealth Land in July 2013, and the incorporation of Lian Beng (China) in November of the same year.
Spiking users can track Lian Beng and other great opportunities because they receive real-time notifications whenever any transactions of note are made. This gives them ready access to information on the hottest stocks or stocks on their personal watchlist, and allows them to make their own buy/sell decisions in a timely manner.
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